>comments, commentario??---prestige@covachos.com
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Day 1: December 5, 2002 - El Sardinero Santander, Spain
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maybe these words piss you off, maybe i care:

if you work for any company associated with oil companies you should be ashamed.

if you work for any company that harms the environment in any way, you should be ashamed.

if you think more about your and your family's economic status than the air, water and life around you, you should be ashamed.

if you drive your car when you could walk, you should be ashamed.

if you think waiting for a bus or train is annoying or only for poor people you should be ashamed.

if you think that the state of the environment is not a crucial global issue, you should be ashamed.

if you drive a luxury car you should be ashamed.

if you don't recycle, you should be ashamed.

if you are a greedy, self absorbed corporate whore, you should be ashamed.

if you think that progress is developing the global economy following the lead of history's most powerful economy (and biggest polluter), the United States, you should be ashamed.

if you voted for President George W. Bush you should be ashamed.

if you think there is nothing to do to help, that saving the environment is a moot point, you should be ashamed.

In the end we all have reasons to be ashamed.

The question is when and whether we

when are we going to care? when our 3 year old child dies from toxic shock in front of our eyes?
when the paint job on our precious Mercedes is ruined by acid rain?
when we have to wear a gas mask and rubber gloves to play golf?
when we can't surf without health risks?
when the fish we eat makes us sick?
when MTV tells us to care?

when are we going to care?

comments, news, photos? commentario, noticias, fotos?>>>>>>>>> prestige@covachos.com